"-The minute of meeting, someone to write'it and send it to everyone!" Aurel Turbatu (4000+) Pulse | LinkedIn
This minute also has a point. It's not just to make the posterity or leadership know that that time was an investment and not a waste of time at little socialization.
It is prepared and comes into our possession afterwards because we need a common reference, some information, proposals or an action plan. Even if it's minutes of weekly / monthly / quarterly meetings, in the operational area, in daily activities, they really matter to them. They propagate changes in the company.
Most of the time it's like this: They participated ..., The following were discussed ..., Regarding the subject ..., it was decided that ... until .... to be ...... Responsible for fulfilling is ...
Categories of different information aggregated in a document. Some more synthetic, some more worthy of a literary prize, depending on who is writing it. Teams or different working groups, participants from different departments, each with different habits in terms of writing such a minute.
"-Guest everything you need in a minute!"
We want to find something punctual, we search for the minute - most often by mail, beside other "tons of" information - and we go through the pages. We still have something to clarify from there, we send a mail to one or all of the participants. Information is already beginning to be shared, part in a minute, part by mail. What good would it be that we no longer need it later, not having to browse files and historically clarify by mail.
"We have already organized, saved them in a directory on the server!" - And how do you find information when you need to open them one at a time?
Unfortunately, exceptions are few. Even in companies with some claims of organizing information, at best meeting minutes have a unique template and / or are saved to a server shared directory. Rarely, the information contained in these minutes of sessions is managed in systems of organizing support information. Actions to become tasks and subtasks, to be able to extract good practices or to collect reusable feed-back. This information can be accessed quickly when people need it, along with their history.
"But why fight our head, it goes like that ..."
The value of these minutes of the meeting is only in the immediate future at best. As time goes on, they become just historical, without anyone being able to capitalize in the future on an idea, proposal, recommendation or anything else useful in a minute of the past. We repeat mistakes from other teams because their experiences are not accessible to us. They stayed in the minutes sent by mail some time ago, you've lost them long.
The information capital we have is not limited to information contained in ERP, CRM, etc. Much of the information that can bring improvements to our business or our business is not yet harnessed to the full potential. I go through files or uncategorized emails that are not properly categorized and unorganized for efficient use.
Another hole in your pocket that we do not even know and lose money on. For whom there is, fortunately, a solution.